Whether you book a glamor or a business shoot, it is always best to choose jewel tones and expensive looking fabrics for your clothing. Jewel tones need to compliment your skin tone and enhance your natural features. Most people fall into two categories: cool and warm. What does that mean?
*A person with cool undertones in their skin generally looks good in royal blue, apple red, deep purple, hunter green and pastels of the same category.
*A person with warm undertones in their skin will look wonderful in bright yellow, orange, peach, turquoise and pastels in the same range.
Most brunettes have cool tones in their skin and many, but not all blond and black haired people have warm undertones. If in doubt, drape yourself with a color you think will look good and observe what happens in the mirror. If it is your color, your skin will look vibrant, if it is not, you will fade out.
A rule of thumb generally is, that if you feel good in a color, and I mean really good, then it is the right color for you. Follow your instincts, listen to your inner voice.
You may ask: "what does she mean by expensive looking fabrics?" This is rather simple. It could be a simple cotton shirt, but make sure it's ironed, and of the thicker quality. Linens, while not always inexpensive, will look slept in after just a short while on your body, so avoid linen for a shoot. Never wear jersey, t-shirt, and sweatshirt fabrics, even the most slender person does not look good wearing these materials in a photograph of any sort. In short, go for fabrics with body and garments tailored to have some structure. The more put together and confident you feel, the better the photograph will reflect who you are.
For glamor shoots, black often works really well, unless you look fantastic in white. One might argue that neither black nor white are jewel tones, but one could also argue that they are. Isn't onyx a jewel? How about pearls? In terms of clothing they both fall into the category of good choices and will work for most skin tones.
Below are a couple of examples to illustrate my point.
This hunter green gown and black background does wonders for the models skin.
She does have blue undertones and brunette hair.
In this shot you can see how well the blue jacket works with the black hair of the model and how the white of the shirt enhances the skin tone. The structure of the jacket enhances the models figure.
Neither one of these models would look good in yellows or oranges as both have cool undertones in their skin, even though one of them has a much lighter complexion. This said, whether skin is tanned or not, it retains it's tonality. The only color influenced by a tan is white since it needs a contrast to look good next to skin in a photograph.